Zookeeper Paper Summary
ZooKeeper: Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems
- wait-free property
- distributed lock services
- FIFO client ordering
- asynchronous linearizability
- linearizable write
- atomic broadcast protocol
- Zab
- dominated by reads
- read locally
- Znode
- Regular
- Ephemeral
- sequential flag
- use zookeeper to implement more powerful primitives
- Herd effect
- Fetching service based on zookeeper
- linearizability vs. serializability
This paper describes the ZooKeeper as a coordination kernel which
provides high-performance service can be used to implement more powerful
primitives. The ZooKeeper is inspired by chubby
from Google which is a
distributed lock manager and provides a similar file system style
interface while the Zookeeper differs from it with wait-free property
and order guarantees for coordination. The wait-free property and order
guarantees enable asynchronous operations and so on makes the client
requests pipelined. Moreover, the Zookeeper introduces a leader-based
atomic broadcast protocol called Zab
which is much like Raft with some
tiny differences. The Zookeeper also reduces the read overheads by
performing read locally for their workflow in which read is ten to
hundreds more than writes. In addition, the paper introduces the watch
mechanism which gives a nice interface for building higher abstraction
above ZooKeeper and also provides nice performance for delay notifying
and powerful functionality.
Above all, the paper first proposes a wait-free coordination service
with relax consistency guarantees and introduces some interesting
mechanisms like the watch, file system style API and two basic
guarantees which supports linearizability and FIFO client order. Then
the paper introduces some examples of primitives involving blocking and
no-blocking ones and applications based on ZooKeeper. After that, it
gives the implementation of request processor for idempotency, atomic
broadcast based on Zab and replicated database which much like the
MIT 6.826
lab3 while supports locally reads and asynchronous
The paper gives us an idea about how to fasten the distributed system and provides a nice consistency. Just like the wait-free property and
operations.The paper gives us the idea of watches which simplify the efforts of software programmers and also provides a much powerful feature.
The paper introduces the term
universal object
, which can be used to build more powerful systems. And it is an important idea in the hierarchy of system architecture.Nice combination of wait-free property and ordering guarantees like watches, sessions. It gives a new idea of consistency implementation.
The fuzzy snapshot is interesting and used with the idempotency.
No proper introduction to their Zab algorithm.
No introduction to how ordering guarantees are implemented
- More introduction to their new algorithm and the differences
Lesson learned
We can compromise some of the accuracies for the performance just like the Zookeeper. And after that, we should design some mechanisms to solve the rare inconsistency. We can expect the system themselves solve these problems like the Zookeeper uses the ordering guarantees or application code to solve them or like the Gfs which depends on the application code to remove duplications. Moreover. the idea of generic coordination kernel is impressive.